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Kepler-10b                   All kepler series planets is discovered by kepler space telescope.Kepler-10b is first terrestrial planet discovered out side of the solar system inside the Kepler-10 system.Discovers of the planet kepler-10b are Elisa Quintana and Natalie Batalha. kepler telescope shows is presents but the planet's existence was confirmed using measurements from the W.M Keck Observatory in Hawaii. Kepler-10 system and Kepler-10b                                                 Kepler-10 star is located 560 light years away from the solar system in the Draco constellation .Age of Kepler-10 is 12 billion years which is 2 times that age of the sun.Meaning that the planet Kepler-10 is now in it's final state.kepler-10b is detected by Kepler space telescope very earlier but the planet's discovery is announced on...

55 Cancri e

55 Cancri e (diamond planet)

image credit : ESA/HST(Hubble Space Telescope)

                         55 Cancri e is located 40 light years away from our solar system in the constellation of Cancer.55 Cancri e is an exoplanet orbiting the sun like star 55 Cancri A.55 Cancri e is discovers by Michael Endl, Fritz Benedict, William D.Cochran, Barbara McArthur  by using the method of radial velocity, from Texas(United States) on 30 august 2004.

👉Artist illustration of 55 Cancri e

                 these scientist detected in it's star radial velocity this was achieved by  making sensitive measurements of the Doppler shift of the spectrum of 55 Cancri e . the planets mass is as same as Neptune .The radius of the planet 55 Cancri e is 11,964 km. which is 1.875 times than the radius of the earth. the mass of the planet is 7.8 times that of the earth and half of the mass of Neptune, with the help of MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars Telescope) space telescope, scientist can able to detect transit of the planet 55 Cancri e. the transit occur with period of 0.74 days. orbital period of the planet is 18 hours(0.7365 days),which is the same period of its transit too. the planet 55 Cancri e is tidally locked in it's orbit meaning that always presenting same face to its hots star. the side of the planet which is facing its star has temperature more than 1700 degrees this temperature is hot enough to melt iron. infrared mapping of (SST)Spitzer Space Telescope in indicated that an average front side temperature of the planet surface is 2300 degrees and average back side temperature of the planet is 1371 first Observation 55 Cancri e was suspected to be a water planet and the planet atmosphere has its Lyman-Alpha signature during transit, Ehrenreich speculated that its volatile materials might be carbon dioxide instead of water or hydrogen. In February 2016 it was announced that NASA's Hubble space telescope had detected hydrogen and helium but no vapor in the atmosphere of 55 Cancri e.

                         55 Cancri e is known as a very carbon rich. observation shows that the planet 55 Cancri e is a solid planet made of carbon rich materials. In this case, roughly a third of the planet's mass would be carbon, much of which may be in the form of diamond as a result of the temperatures and pressures in the planet's interior. Further observations are necessary to confirm the nature of the planet. argument is that the tidal forces, together with the orbital and rotational centrifugal forces, can partially confine a hydrogen-rich atmosphere on the nightside. Assuming an atmosphere dominated by volcanic species and a large hydrogen component, the heavier molecules could be confined within latitudes 80° while the volatile hydrogen is not. Because of this disparity, the hydrogen would have to slowly diffuse out into the dayside where X-ray and ultraviolet irradiation would destroy it. In order for this mechanism to have taken effect, it is necessary for 55 Cancri e to have become tidally locked before losing the totality of its hydrogen envelope. on the surface of 55 Cancri e lava oceans can be exist this observation is done by hydrogen and helium but no vapor in the atmosphere of 55 Cancri e. there is large possibility to occur on the planet surface. Large clouds of dust which is cover the planet and block thermal emission, this is also a reason for the high temperature on the planet 55 Cancri e's dark side.

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